Ms. Renee Brown
DePaul Community Resources
Ms. Gloria Bynum
Representative of the Honorable L. Louise Lucas, Virginia State Senate
Mrs. Beatrice C. Dalton
THRIVE Virginia Community Action Agency
Ms. Taneia Dowell
Monticello Community Action Agency
Mr. John B. Edmunds
Sage Creek Planning and Investments
Ms. Heather Evans
University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Dr. Linda Linnartz
(Retired) UVA School of Education
Mrs. Stephanie Moon
Reynolds City of Roanoke Council Member
Mr. Chase M. Stewart
Communities in Schools of Appalachian Highlands
Dr. Karen Ely-Sanders
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Dr. James Worsley
Representative of the Honorable Carrie Coyner, Virginia House of Delegates