Who We Are
For nearly four decades, Project Discovery has worked with thousands of students in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Project Discovery assists students from predominantly low to moderate-income households or students who would be the first in the family to attend college.
Project Discovery works through 19 partner agencies in 22 locations to provide programs in 122 schools. Project Discovery combines a nationally recognized curriculum of workshops that improve study skills, time management, and financial planning with assistance to students and parents applying for both admissions and financial aid.
Project Discovery also takes students to college campuses where they can meet with financial aid and admissions officers, talk with students and professors, and see for themselves that college is attainable and important.
Project Discovery believes that hardworking, meritorious students should not be deprived of an opportunity to attend college simply because of a lack of funding. The program’s vision is to see that every student graduate from high school and every student who has the desire and demonstrates the ability, be able to attend post-secondary education.
Our vision is to see every student graduate from high school and see every student who has the desire and demonstrates the ability attend post-secondary education.

Project Discovery, Inc. was started as a pilot program by Total Action for Progress (TAP) in Roanoke, VA in 1979 in response to low college matriculation rates for low-income students. Over the years, Project Discovery has expanded into a statewide program (Project Discovery, Inc.) that serves 122 schools in 51 school districts across the state of Virginia. Throughout its 33-year history, Project Discovery has proven to be an effective method for improving postsecondary matriculation, performance, and graduation rates for disadvantaged students across the state of Virginia.