Who We Are
For nearly four decades, Project Discovery has worked with thousands of students in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The program assists students from predominantly low-to moderate-income households, or those who would be the first in their families to attend college.
Project Discovery works through 19 partner agencies in 22 locations, providing programs in 145 schools. Project Discovery combines a nationally recognized curriculum of workshops that improve study skills, time management, and financial planning with assistance to students and parents applying for both admissions and financial aid.
An essential component of Project Discovery is taking students to visit college campuses. During these tours, our students get to meet with advisors, interact with other students and ultimately receive first-hand college insights.
Project Discovery believes that hardworking, meritorious students should not be deprived of an opportunity to attend college simply because of a lack of funding.
Our Mission
To increase access to and prepare elementary through high school students for success in post-secondary education
Our Vision
To empower every student to graduate from high school and to support those with the desire and ability to pursue post-secondary education
What we do for middle school students
- Provide an early intervention catalyst for furthering education, for disadvantaged students full of potential, needing additional support
- Access to peer groups and activities
- Build self-esteem, social skills and positive thinking
- Assistance in acquiring self-awareness and transitioning into high school
What we do for high school students
- Provide experience into college life through campus tours
- Activities building leadership skills and team building
- Counseling and guidance during the transition from high school to college
- Goal-oriented workshops discussing life-planning, admissions procedures, study skills, choosing your career path and more